Welcome to CITE’s Strategic Planning Hub

Fall 2024-25 At-a-glance

Team Lead FY 2024-25 Planning – Action Items

By 9/16: Complete this FY24 grant final report form (available as a Google Doc for planning here)

Meet with us the week of 9/23

  1. Discuss report submission
  2. CUNY Central shares grant renewal template and anticipated funding amounts

By 10/21: Submit brief renewal template (available here and will be shared at the meeting)

A renewal budget will be shared with you in mid-November, you’ll share your feedback by late November and we will send budgets to RF for processing by early December.

General Strategic planning goals

As part of CITE’s mission, colleges are working to formalize integration of computing and digital literacies in their programs, in response to a FY24 RFP.

At senior colleges:

80% of teacher candidates enrolled in a school of education will experience meaningful, equitable and coherent CITE integrations in disciplinary, foundations, methods, and clinical components of their degrees by 2026.

At community colleges:

80% of education students enrolled in an education department program will experience meaningful, equitable and coherent CITE integrations in education courses (including disciplinary, foundations, methods, and fieldwork) and optionally, relevant general education courses, by 2026.

On this site, find resources to support these strategic planning efforts.