Description and Goals
Preparing TCs to achieve CDL-integrated learning goals requires them to apply what they learn in their courses in actual P-12 classrooms. But which CITE learning goals can and should TCs practice in these clinical settings? Which kinds of activities in the field can support TCs to achieve CITE learning goals? These questions are especially complicated to answer because the settings where CUNY TCs do fieldwork or student teaching vary greatly.
In this series of summer workshops, participants will grapple with these kinds of questions.
Participants can expect to:
Identify types of clinical activities that might be aligned to different kinds of CDL-integrated learning goals
Identify how conditions at P-12 sites shape what CDL-integrated learning goals are possible to achieve in a clinical setting.
Co-plan (for) CITE-integrated clinical experiences with with colleagues in one or more of these ways:
- Focus on partnership development: Consider what might be done in a long-term way to deepen computing practice TOGETHER with schools
- Zoom in: Modify or design a specific CITE goals-aligned clinical activity / assessment
- Zoom out: Work on a scope and sequence for clinical experiences. In other words, use your high-level program map to develop or modify premises for clinical experiences to align them to CITE-goals.
Learn more about these workshops here.
Slide decks:
Days 1 and 2
Day 3
Recordings of sessions
- Day 1 recording
- Day 2 Recording
- Day 3 Main Room recording (Passcode: nvzH6^?X)
Teams should come to workshops prepared with the following.
- The most recent draft of your programs’ CITE learning goals
- A spreadsheet or document that shares all of the courses in a program’s sequence, the expected fieldwork or student teaching hours students are expected to complete in each course, and the activities TCs typically do in the field for each course.
- A list of current partner schools for the program(s) that you drafted CITE learning goals for. Indicate whether your teacher candidates complete supervised fieldwork hours and/or student teaching.
To compile those documents, there is a template you can remix in your college folder, linked below:
College Team folder links: