Winter 2023 Resources

January 2023 Slide Deck:

Folder with ALL of the tools for these meetings

To support summer planning:

What’s the timeline?

January 10-11Understand the ask, commit to having a fleshed out strategic plan by August 2023
By February 21Submit: 
  • CITE Committee Charter
  • “Minimum viable product” (MVP or draft) CITE Strategic Plan
By March 31
  • Returning and new faculty in the initiative will be asked to fill out a summer PD registration form
AprilWork on CITE Strategic Plan, at your college team’s pace:
  • Potential activities include:
    • Feedback on MVP Strategic Plan
    • Developing a summer strategic planning schedule for CITE committee members
    • Gather data or information useful to the strategic plan
    • Recruit additional CITE Committee members
JulyFinalize CITE Strategic Plan
SeptemberBegin implementing strategic plan



Cobb, P., Jackson, K., Smith, T., & Henrick, E. (2017). Supporting Improvements in the Quality of Mathematics Teaching on a Large Scale. In Making Change Happen (pp. 203–221). Springer.
Santo, R., DeLyser, L. A., Ahn, J., Pellicone, A., Aguiar, J., & Wortel-London, S. (2019, February). Equity in the Who, How, and What of Computer Science Education: K12 School District Conceptualizations of Equity in CS for All Initiatives. Proceedings of the 2019 Research on Equity and Sustained Participation in Engineering, Computing, and Technology (RESPECT).
Vogel, S., Santo, R., & Ching, D. (2017). Visions of computer science education: Unpacking arguments for and projected Impacts of CS4All initiatives. Proceedings of the 47th ACM Technical Symposium on Computing Science Education.