January 2023 Slide Deck: https://tinyurl.com/jan23-CITE
Folder with ALL of the tools for these meetings
To support summer planning:
What’s the timeline?
January 10-11 | Understand the ask, commit to having a fleshed out strategic plan by August 2023 |
By February 21 | Submit:
By March 31 |
April | Work on CITE Strategic Plan, at your college team’s pace:
May | |
June | |
July | Finalize CITE Strategic Plan |
August | |
September | Begin implementing strategic plan |
Cobb, P., Jackson, K., Smith, T., & Henrick, E. (2017). Supporting Improvements in the Quality of Mathematics Teaching on a Large Scale. In Making Change Happen (pp. 203–221). Springer. http://link.springer.com.ezproxy.gc.cuny.edu/chapter/10.1007/978-3-658-14979-6_17
Santo, R., DeLyser, L. A., Ahn, J., Pellicone, A., Aguiar, J., & Wortel-London, S. (2019, February). Equity in the Who, How, and What of Computer Science Education: K12 School District Conceptualizations of Equity in CS for All Initiatives. Proceedings of the 2019 Research on Equity and Sustained Participation in Engineering, Computing, and Technology (RESPECT). https://www.researchgate.net/publication/336926752_Equity_in_the_Who_How_and_What_of_Computer_Science_Education_K12_School_District_Conceptualizations_of_Equity_in_%27CS_for_All%27_Initiatives
Vogel, S., Santo, R., & Ching, D. (2017). Visions of computer science education: Unpacking arguments for and projected Impacts of CS4All initiatives. Proceedings of the 47th ACM Technical Symposium on Computing Science Education. https://doi.org/10.1145/3017680.3017755